Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

What's Special About my Mom

She patched me up when I got a booboo

She would go camping only if we had something that was off the group—thus the popup camper… and I am glad… not interested in having a little critter crawling in…

She played badminton with us and we heard a loud pop, and thought she broke an ankle—but didn’t

She made me a breakfast sandwich when I was running late for morning basketball practice…

I may have thought she was hard on me as I grew up, but look at me know; thank you for raising me the way you desired…

I enjoyed that mom and dad took me up the aisle when I got married; was even funnier when they two played “who should be on what side”…

I am glad she didn’t decide to be a nun, because I won’t be here if she had…

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